Prysma Causality
Causality Analysis and Performance Improvement by Non-recurrence of loss events.
Pryma Causality Analysis and Performance Improvement by Non-recurrence of Loss Events
Cloud-based / On-premise tool for managing causality analysis associated to value loss and value threatening events, integrated with corrective action execution and effectiveness tracking.
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Analysis and Execution Control Workflow
Main features
- Integration with your current asset register for easier event mapping and value loss allocation.
- Straightforward or comprehensive causality mapping. (Hypothesis life cycle based on evidence for comprehensive causality diagrams)
- Evidence repository with configurable security levels.
- Allow definition of main Research Team and Auxiliary support professionals or teams.
- Tracking on execution of different types of actions (research actions, corrective actions, effectiveness assessment actions, etc.)
- Various native reports plus the possibility for the user to create more.
- Event taxonomy linked to asset register for recurrence monitoring
- Email integration for tracking on actions and for delivery of learned lessons.
- Options for deploying locally at your premises or consuming the application as a service from the cloud.
- 100% of functionalities operate equally from a desktop or a data-enabled cell phone or tablet.
- Customizations for alignment with your Continuous Improvement Business Process (optional).
On-premises Deployment
Interested? Use the left pane to reach us, and let's talk on how our technology can support your Causality Analysis or Continuous Improvement Initiatives.
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