Business Value is the reason for an Industrial Asset to exist.  

Is your team driving such value?


Is the asset driving your people?

Find, unlock, assure an track business value out of your existing Industrial Asset

How to be sure that, in our Industrial Plant, we are all aligned to get the best possible business value, in contrast to just being blinded by the achievement of our next quarter local KPI? 

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Copyright (c) Knar Global LLC 2020

The Challenge

for plant managers and

business owners

So many disconnected things happen at the same time in an Industrial Asset every single day. And such is because, every day, so many people decide and execute many things about "their part" of the asset. Specialization?..hum!..let's find out!

How to be sure we are all aligned to get the best possible business value, in contrast to just being blinded by the achievement of our next quarter local KPI? 

Deep disagreements and lack of cooperation cost business value. 

Alignment toward optimum business value does not happen spontaneously, out of nothing, or out of only good intentions. On top of that,  local KPIs are the perfect way to guarantee no one is going to cooperate with nobody else.  So...what to do!

The Knar approach:

Re-think your asset in terms of delivered business value 

Optimum business value from an existing Industrial Asset is possible by (honestly) reshaping our understanding of it as a sensitive value generation instrument, where our ability to orchestrate efforts around such delicate instrument is a definitive business value enabler.

Aligned thinking is a must

When local assignment and segregated information and goals are given to different areas inside an Industrial Asset, the effect is a (logical) division toward local achievements. We've seen that for years. Neglecting the fact that the system is able to build value beyond its elements is a common thing.

When everybody sees the same Industrial Asset, agreement gets easier

In Knar we believe that being able to show (explicitly) flows of value and measurements how everyone participates of such flows helps to align people to the single goal of business value, instead of risking the ability and intention to cooperate to a maximum cooperative business value.

The Knar resources: 

Resources for right decisions and mature execution capacity 

What would happen if every single decision to be taken during the daily operation of an Industrial Asset were possible to be assessed in terms of the business value it will produce, giving you some estimates on business value to achieve and actual chances to get that value? And what would happen if were to count with an execution ecosystem tuned to alling every mind, every resource, and every data toward the achievement of the previously approved decision. 

Right decision-making and optimum execution assurance are the main goals behind Knar Value-Based Decision Making Digital Assets  VBDMDA and Knar's Asset Management Ecosystem KIAME respectively. 

What to learn more. Use the left pane and let us know what are your main interest in improving your capacity to obtain more business value out of your existing asset   

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In the search of new business value, out of existing Industrial Assets,

Knar helps you to find it, unlock it, assuret and track it!