Business Value is the reason for an Industrial Asset to exist.
Is your team driving such value? or
Is the asset driving your people?
Find, unlock, assure an track business value out of your existing Industrial Asset
How to be sure that, in our Industrial Plant, we are all aligned to get the best possible business value, in contrast to just being blinded by the achievement of our next quarter local KPI?
Let us know your questions and ideas...
The Challenge
for plant managers and owners
So many disconnected things happen at the same time in an Industrial Asset every single day. And such is because, every day, so many people decide and execute many things about "their part" of the asset. Specialization?..hum!..let's find out!
How to be sure we are all aligned to get the best possible business value, in contrast to just being blinded by the achievement of our next quarter local KPI?

Alignment toward optimum business value does not happen spontaneously, out of nothing, or out of only good intentions. On top of that, local KPIs are the perfect way to guarantee no one is going to cooperate with nobody else. So...what to do!
The approach: Refocus aiming Value!
Optimum business value from an existing Industrial Asset is possible by (honestly) reshaping our understanding of it as a sensitive value generation instrument, where our ability to orchestrate efforts around such delicate instrument is a definitive enabler of such value.
Local KPIs are just a symptom
A critical view on what to measure, and where, help us to avoid unnecessary clashes between teams searching for unnecessary and inconvenient "local optimums". Such local so called "victories" only prevent us from getting the best global business value out of our Industrial Asset. Why is so?
The approach: Refocus aiming Value!
In the search of new business value, out of existing Industrial Assets,
Knar helps you to find it, unlock it, assuret and track it!