
Industrial Asset Business Value

Planning and designing how to reach the new business value discovered 

A detailed definition of technical alternatives useful to the generation of new business value

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Defining the specific enablers of new value

The four steps for unlocking the value discovered during Finding Business Value are:

· New value to Technical Scoping.

· Intervention plan

· Teamwork alignment.

· Technology & decision making alignment

Prioritized value opportunities are researched upto a technical detail enough to establish that minimum set of technical requirements that suffice the assurance of new business value. 

The approach: 

No magic jumps. A clear traceability between new value discovered and associated technical implementation

Possible activities on each working chapter are selected according to the specific value opportunity to conquer:

Most common activities per chapter are shown next:

Industrial Asset Intervention & Planning

Teamwork alignment

Technology & Decision-making alignment

- Detailed alternatives survey...(new technology, procedures,  providers, etc.).
- Selection of Intervention approach and planning based on new value forecasting.
- New Value Assurance Plan and associated set of requirements.
- New Value Life-Cycle requirements management.

- Value based challenge to existing KPI and all performance measurement instruments in place.
- Survey and Assessment on Coordination and decision-making behaviors, customs and habits.
- Cooperative Value dynamics development program.
- Skills and Competency Assessment and development roadmap.
- Team Requirements Management.

Life-cycle knowledge survey and data sources mapping.
- Digitized Industrial Asset Management roadmap.
- Value-Based Decision-Making Model (schedule for levels of deployment)
- IT Requirement Management.


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In the search of new business value, out of existing Industrial Assets,

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