Business Value is the mere consequence of
knowing where to aim
to generate benefit
Rethink your approach to Industrial Asset Management toward value, and you'll never be lost again.
No matter what is your role or responsibility at an Industrial Asset, the only relevant deliverable is business value.
Let us know your questions and ideas...
Lost, Confused?
Aim for business value!
Industrial Assets and Industrial Projects can be complex, entangled and variable. It's likely to get lost in the woods, finding yourself struggling for an effective business-oriented asset management strategy.
Do you know what value is for you company? In other words, how your company is committed to produce benefit externally and internally. Are you ready to show it clearly? Do you have evidence (not just words) on how all good intentions are being effectively translated into business value?
¿How to enable teams to keep consistently focused on what produces value, and how to better realize natural capacities of business and assets?
No matter how complex your Industrial Project or Industrial Asset is, the reason behind it is business value, and it is amazing how easily this concept is skipped or simply unknown. While generating business value, the business behind your industrial asset will flourish, and without it, it will perish. As simple as that!
Why is such omission so common?
There are so many reasons. It is quite common to find managers and workers believing that somebody else assured the assigned task had sense, and in such complacency, teams devote fiercely to execute task as they had generated an identity of "task executors'', or KPI (key performance Indicators) "achievers'', as a contrast to critical thinkers, competent value generators or effective value enablers.
IN the other hand, most diligent workers and managers may have the drive to question why this or that is instructed, and may even suspect how a certain decision destroys value, but complexity of the analyzes freeze them as no definitive challenge can be shown to explain clearly why they are reluctant to execute.Is just too hard to explaining a complex situation well in terms of value.
How to achieve an Industrial Asset Management strategy able to produce Business Value?
Managing successfully an industrial plant or industrial project is, in essence, quite straightforward. Just four main pillars need to be assured:
Learn what value is in your specific case, and find the value sources applicable to you.
Find cost-effective ways to unlock such potential value and make yourself able to discover, assess and show evidence on the numbers backing your suggested ways to unlock value. Mind here that your plan and value evidence need to be bullet proof against diverse questioning mindsets, or it won't be approved.
Make sure every action, big or small, to achieve such pursued value, is performed right and on-time.
Validate the actual existence of new value and consolidate all learning associated when things do and do not go as planned.
Align decisions to business value
If that's so easy, why teams are not working that way everywhere?
Whatever is finally executed in an Industrial Asset or Industrial Project, is the direct consequence of a former decision. Right decisions lead to right execution, which in turn leads to business value. Wrong decisions lead to wrong execution (even when executed neatly), which erodes business value. So basically, business performance of every Industrial Asset is the consequence on how correct and effective is the thinking process behind every decision.
Here we have two options: Allow decisions to be naturally subject to human restrictions, and lead the business hoping for the best, or Assist human beings in taking Industrial Asset decisions with Value-Based thinking instruments.
It's easy to claim human creativity is impossible to match by any software tool or method, and we at Knar follow that thinking to, but...
When everything is interconnected to everything (i.e. Industrial asset logistics to market conditions), everything varies at the same time (i.e. demand volume, feed prices, market politics), when individual elements inside and around the industrial asset behaves randomly (i.e. times to failure of critical equipment), and there are many other things to care of which we have no information about (i.e. high uncertainty of next move of main competitors), human minds find a difficult time in obtaining the best possible path forward.
In this context, which is THE context of whoever is managing and Industrial Asset or a Project to create one, our way to support business value realization is:
Knar allows for better business performance backed by better decisions, backed themselves by comprehensive thinking / decision support instruments called Digital Assets.
Digital Asset and Asset Management Ecosystems
No, Digital Assets are not a silver bullets. They still require mature organizations to maximize value.
Right decisions and real Business value may have a cause-effect relationship, only when, between both of them, there's a mature and capable execution orchestrated in the shape of an ecosystem. Isolated execution biases or corrupts the original message, forces replication of efforts, raises conflict, increases costs, and allows for the surrounding perturbation to affect the value gathering process.
Knar enables business value by providing customers technology and experience to develop and deploy meaningful Industrial Asset Management Ecosystems .
In the search of new business value, out of existing Industrial Assets,
Knar helps you to find it, unlock it, assuret and track it!