About Us!
...and about the value we can generate for you!
Let us know your questions and ideas...
At a Glance!
150 successful projects...and counting!
Some interesting facts about Knar:
- Started operation in Colombia 2007 ( as a spin-of off Stein, mother company created by same owner in 2000).
- Serving companies in Oil & Gas, Defense, Utilities and Manufacturing, for about 20 years now, helped us to assess first hand, what makes sense and what doesn't, in terms of performance improvement.
- Started operations in US actively in 2018 has allowed us the release our learned lessons around the world.
- We offer an interesting mix of field experience, formal analytical methods and strong IT capabilities. A mix not common in the consulting industry where people knowledgeable of the steel is really equali apt to deal with associated IT.
- Knar is strongly focused to challenge the traditional empirical way to manage industrial plants. We advocate for the use of modeling and simulation, IT solutions and 21st century technology to solve 21st century problems.
Our Experience
Energy (Oil & Gas , Power Generation)
Air Space & Defense ( Air Force, Navy, and Aviation Authorities)
Engineering Services, Maintenance and Operation
These are some of the companies we have served:
Want to know more about us? Use the left pane and let us know your ideas, interests and questions.
In the search of new business value, out of existing Industrial Assets,
Knar helps you to find it, unlock it, assuret and track it!